The world is getting richer and yet philanthropy and charitable giving struggle to keep up. What can be done?

Charitable giving hovers under 3% global GDP.
The modern philanthropic movement began five hundred years ago.
There are no shortage of needs in the world. And, exceptional nonprofits, ministries, and churches stand waiting to serve them. But, charitable giving remains flat at just under 3% of global GDP. Americans are giving to charity at the lowest level in nearly three decades, per a new Giving USA report. Sadly, charitable giving among Christians is barely higher. Just 1 in 5 Christians in the United States gives at least 10% to nonprofits and churches, according to a recent Barna report.
Meanwhile, wealth globally continues to grow dramatically. The world grows far richer, but the benefits of this wealth are not showing up in our charitable giving. This stagnation hampers progress toward the key problems facing our world.
Is change possible? What might happen if the Church led the way in sacrificial and radical charitable giving?
“The point is this: whoever sows sparingly will also reap sparingly, and whoever sows bountifully will also reap bountifully. Each one must give as he has decided in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, for God loves a cheerful giver.” 2 Corinthians 9:6-7
The Barnharts grew their company to revenues of 400 million—only to give it away. This video tells you why.
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Below you’ll find some of the best-in-class organizations that are working to renew the imagination. These organizations are trustworthy, effective and innovative. In a world full of choices, we want to make the complex accessible. So, we invite you to explore them and consider giving and investing. Or you might consider building your own venture.

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