The vulnerability of children, particularly orphans, remains acute in many countries and communities globally. What can be done?

18 million children worldwide have lost both parents.
This is the worldwide conservative estimate according to UNICEF. It doesn’t account for children whose parents are unable to parent them or for children who have just one parent. While child mortality and nutritional rates have improved in most every nation, defenseless children are the most at risk of violence, abuse, starvation, disease, and abandonment.
Orphans and vulnerable children face seemingly insurmountable odds of obtaining a healthy and stable life as adults if they are not supported and surrounded by a loving family.
In the United States, 50% of the homeless, 60% of child sex trafficking victims, and over 75% of the prison population spent time in foster care.
For the Church, serving these children starts with equipping and surrounding biological families facing crisis. 76% of children in the foster care system in the United States are removed from their homes for preventable, poverty-related issues.
How can the Church serve these families and vulnerable and orphaned children?
“Religion that is pure and undefiled before God the Father is this: to visit orphans and widows in their affliction, and to keep oneself unstained from the world.” James 1:27
David Platt, author of Radical, shares about his journey and how God called his family to be a part of solving this problem.
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Below you’ll find some of the best-in-class organizations that are caring for orphaned children. These organizations are trustworthy, effective and innovative. In a world full of choices, we want to make the complex accessible. So, we invite you to explore them and consider giving and investing. Or you might consider building your own venture.

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