Environmental Degradation
From oil spills to air pollution to exploitative fishing, the planet is sick. What can be done?

Air pollution is responsible for about 7 million premature deaths per year.
According to the World Health Organization, air pollution is a major environmental threat and one of the main cases of death among all risk factors, ranking just below hypertension, tobacco smoking, and high glucose. It is also just one of the many ways we are defiling the environment. From deforestation to unsustainable agricultural, mining, and building practices, we have not stewarded the good creation God has entrusted to us.
When we degrade the beautiful places where we live, work, and play, we jeopardize not only our health, but the health of future generations. Still, we are not without hope.
The decreasing rates of air pollution and deforestation globally provide hope that change is possible. And, the pace of change accelerates when benefit to the environment aligns with private and public sector benefits. But there is so much yet to do.
How can we better care for our land, air, and water? What creative ways are followers of Jesus fighting degradation and promoting careful stewardship?
“The Lord God took the man and put him in the garden of Eden to work it and keep it.” Genesis 2:15
In partnership with scientist and co-founder Sugi, Tommy Tjiptadjaja started Greenhope to tackle the plastics problem by creating plastic products that degrade much faster.
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